Mercedes-Benz 280 SE Coupe (W 111) - sold
Preis: 86.900 Euro


This “high cooler” coupe is a reimport car from New Jersey to Germany in 2016. It has been complexly restored, using the so called frame off restoration. The vehicle was completely dismantled, original parts were repaired and replaced, if needed. All seals were replaced. The engine was examined, revised and reset. After treatment of all metal components we renewed the paint. We avoided sandblasting, aware of eventual deformations. The old paint with it´s primary layer was grinded down and the new paint was enamelled. Chrome parts were repaired and carefully chromed. Finally the car was sealed completely.
So we did not make any compromise and now we proudly announce that with this restoration we fully met our claim: quality first!

Please contact us in case of questions.


Year of manufacture:1969
Power:160 hp
Paint:white (050)
Interior:black leather